This piece of article is a review of the Protection of Traditional Knowledge Bill, 2016, which was introduced in the Indian Parliament as a Private Bill by Dr. Shashi Tharoor (Member of Parliament,...
This article is contributed by Shri. Vishnu S Warrier, Founder of Lex-Warrier Foundation. Mr. Warrier is an Indian legal professional, author, legal educator, journal editor, scholar, academician,...
This article is contributed by Shri. R.S. Praveen Raj, Senior Scientist, CSIR – NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram (India). He worked as Examiner of Patents & Designs (prior to joining CSIR) in Indian...
Generally speaking traditional knowledge is the knowledge systems embedded in the cultural traditions of regional, indigenous, or local communities. Therefore, it is also called as indigenous...
An enterprise adopts several models to create value from intellectual property. In today's business world, economic advantage of an enterprise depends on how they are creating value out of their...
As we discussed earlier, the business front line has shifted from the control of markets for raw materials to the control of rights to fresh ideas and innovation. Therefore, the intellectual property...
The question came up for its consideration before the Supreme Court of United States of America was, whether naturally occurring DNA s (Deoxyribonucleic acid) can be patented? Though, diagnostic...
Whether implementing a claim drawn to an abstract idea through a computer program (Software) is a patentable subject matter? This was the question came up before the Supreme Court of America for its...
Generally speaking, geographical indication, a form of intellectual property, is nothing but an indication identifying the source or appellation of origin of relevant product or service. It is an...
Knowledge economy refers to an economy in which growth is dependent on the quantity, quality, and accessibility of the information available, rather than the means of production. According to Walter...